Tuesday 2 July 2013

Upcoming events

Fencing Demo

Sunday 14th July beginning 9.30am

Meet at Paul's house, (address removed)

Paul Robinson has kindly offered to do a hands on demo of fencing on his property. Wear sturdy boots and thick gloves (to handle barbed wire). Please RSVP Judy if you are coming, for morning tea purposes (jj_clarke135@hotmail.com).

Group Manure Collection

Sunday 21st July beginning 9.30am

Meet at Sarah's house, (address removed)

Bring shovels and wheelbarrows or large bags, gloves and sturdy shoes. Morning tea will be provided. It will be a collective effort - each person will be expected to help load/unload another's load - "one for you and one for me" if you know what I mean. Please RSVP to jj_clarke135@hotmail.com if you are attending, for numbers for morning tea.

We will have a back up manure source of we get all at this first site so there will be no shortage. We will have a number of trailers, but if you have one, please bring it - it will make the day shorter. If you have any further collection sources please let me know or contact me for further information.

"A brand new world"

Sunday July 28th, 9:30am

NEW ADDRESS! With Liz, Matt, Lily, Eve and Oliver at (address removed)

See the basics in action. Liz and Matt are establishing a new productive garden in their backyard, and they will explain their plans for the future.

AGM to be held afterwards. Agenda will be sent out soon, we promise to keep it as brief and fun as possible! Your ideas are very necessary and welcome.

"Old from new….imaginative garden designs"

Plus our first Home Harvest Plant Swap!
Sunday September 29th, 9.30am

Incorporating recycled elements into imaginative garden design.

Beekeeping with Danielle 
Sunday 27th October, 9.30am

Wallan Nursery

A basic introduction to beekeeping for Home Harvesters new to this activity.

Garden Party - details to be confirmed

Sunday 24th November, 9.30am

Other group days on the horizon:

Mulch your prunings with our community mulcher

Preserving days – bulk tomatoes and other fruits and veggies

Plus any ideas that come up at the AGM!

Also of interest to Home Harvesters, Lancefield Neighbourhood House is running a beekeeping course on October 12 and 19 with Jim Stamson. If you are interested please contact Lancefield Neighbourhood House at lancefieldhouse@tpg.com.au


  1. The manure collection went well! Great fun to do hard work as a group . Thanks to Sarah for a wonderful Brunch and to Classy (the horse) for the day's produce. Truly..many hands make light

  2. great news for the group.
    First- We now have a working mulcher. The mulcher was donated by Jesse and Peter and given an overhaul by WHHG. It is now available for use by the group. We will just need to work out the guidelines for its borrowing and use.

    Second - we have received a grant from the Fed. Gov. of $2,100 to buy community owned pruning and other garden tools. When we get the actual money we can start to make up a wish list. There will some limits to what we buy inline with the grant application of course. See you at the garden tour/AGM tomorrow Judy
