Sunday 26 May 2013

26 May 2013 - Home Harvest at Paul's place

Welcome to the blog for the Wallan Home Harvest Group. We meet on the fourth Sunday of every month to improve our knowledge of how to grow our own produce and gain inspiration to improve our gardens.

Today we visited Paul's ten acre property on the outskirts of Wallan. 

The frame of a greenhouse has been recycled to keep birds out of the orchard. Chicken wire has been added to the frame and keeps out the birds, roos and rabbits. Unfortunately, the crafty local rats still burrow under, and they have evaded all attempts at pest control, so they share some of the crop.

Apple, cherry, nectarine and peach trees are espaliered along wire fences inside the frame.
We tasted two varieties of heritage apples and they were delicious. Some feijoa and citrus trees are planted outside the frame; the birds don't like these as much.

Over at the vegie patch, Paul demonstrated how he sets up no dig garden beds. He covers the ground for a few months, suffocating the grass beneath, and then layers with mulch and compost.

Once plants are established, they are left to go to seed, enabling the veggie patch to maintain itself.

On our way back to the house, we spied some lemon trees full of fruit, and Paul let us at them!

Thanks for your hospitality Paul, and for sharing your experience with us.